
Data Set:



Notes / Source / Definition:

Location: Rice County


Rice County Population by Race and Gender, 2000 - 2009

By Number: 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009
All Races Combined56,83928,68028,15957,89529,24228,65358,66029,63329,02759,60230,12329,47960,31630,48129,83561,05430,82230,23261,98031,26230,71861,95531,28530,67062,39031,48630,90462,72331,77330,950
African-American or Black7665971697886101788356332029456942511,0497473029636932709786892899756892861,0367223141,176801375
Native American1881206819312370196124721901226820213072198126722031317221913584331225106400298102
Asian American/Pacific Islander8934194749454395069744525221,0044665381,0304795511,0684935751,0744935811,0964876091,1335046291,170538632
By Percent: 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009
All Races Combined100%50%50%100%51%49%100%51%49%100%51%49%100%51%49%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%51%49%
African-American or Black1%2%1%1%2%1%1%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%2%2%1%2%3%1%
Native American0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%1%1%0%1%1%0%
Asian American/Pacific Islander2%1%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%

Rice County Population by Age and Gender, 2000 - 2014

By Number: 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014
Age 18-244,4814,5128,9934,6524,7289,3804,8614,8969,7574,9965,07010,0665,1145,11910,2335,1345,08810,2225,1425,09910,2414,8854,8479,7324,8374,7849,6214,5734,6789,2514,5734,6789,2514,8394,9869,8254,8405,0069,8464,7335,2039,9364,6355,1369,771
Age 25-447,2508,26615,5167,3408,34615,6867,3128,36315,6757,3618,42715,7887,3188,49015,8087,4418,61116,0527,6838,77816,4617,6058,71116,3167,6308,73716,3676,9588,28615,2446,9588,28615,2447,0618,45815,5196,9798,36815,3476,9308,13115,0617,0398,13415,173
Age 45-645,6975,80911,5065,8876,05311,9406,1066,30312,4096,3456,57412,9196,6106,84213,4526,8587,07913,9377,0217,32814,3497,1787,47814,6567,3747,63815,0127,7127,93715,6497,7127,93715,6497,9958,47616,4717,9738,51416,4878,1458,38316,5288,1598,43816,597
Age 65+3,7872,7096,4963,8332,7486,5813,8622,7766,6383,8912,8256,7163,9472,8806,8273,9872,9556,9424,0652,9987,0634,1343,0777,2114,2243,1947,4184,4123,3487,7604,4123,3487,7604,5213,6328,1534,7093,7958,5044,5913,6358,2264,7463,7628,508
All Ages28,15928,68056,83928,65329,24257,89529,02729,63358,66029,47930,12359,60229,83530,48160,31630,23230,82261,05430,71831,26261,98030,67031,28561,95530,90431,48662,39030,95031,77362,72330,95031,77362,72331,70133,14364,84431,67233,18264,85431,65864,58564,58531,89532,93464,829
Under 186,9447,38414,3286,9417,36714,3086,8867,29514,1816,8867,22714,1136,8467,15013,9966,8127,08913,9016,8077,05913,8666,8687,17214,0406,8397,13313,9727,2957,52414,8197,2957,52414,8197,2857,59114,8767,1717,49914,6707,2597,57514,8347,3167,46414,780
By Percent: 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014
Age 18-2416%16%16%16%16%16%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%17%16%17%16%15%16%16%15%15%15%15%15%14%16%15%15%15%15%15%15%15%15%16%15%15%16%15%
Age 25-4426%29%27%26%29%27%25%28%27%25%28%26%25%28%26%25%28%26%25%28%27%25%28%26%25%28%26%22%26%24%24%26%24%22%26%24%22%25%24%22%25%23%22%25%23%
Age 45-6420%20%20%21%21%21%21%21%21%22%22%22%22%22%22%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%24%24%24%24%24%25%25%25%25%24%25%25%26%25%25%26%25%26%25%26%52%26%26%
Age 65+13%9%11%13%9%11%13%9%11%13%9%11%13%9%11%13%10%11%13%10%11%13%10%12%14%10%12%14%11%12%14%10%12%14%11%13%15%11%13%15%11%13%15%11%13%
All Ages50%50%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%50%50%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%49%51%100%
Under 1825%26%25%24%25%25%24%25%24%23%24%24%23%23%23%23%23%23%22%23%22%22%23%23%22%23%22%24%24%24%24%24%24%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%

Rice County Median Household Income, 2000 - 2010


Rice County Population Density (Pop. per sq. mile), 2010

Rice County Individuals Below Poverty, 2000 - 2010

Rice County School Enrollment and Attendance, 2004/2005 - 2009/2010: by Grade

By Enrollment: 2004/20052005/20062006/20072007/20082008/20092009/2010
Primary (K-6)4,0584,0464,1274,1674,2464,315
Secondary (7-12)4,3394,3114,2244,2584,1164,107
By Attendance: 2004/20052005/20062006/20072007/20082008/20092009/2010
Primary (K-6)92%93%96%96%95%
Secondary (7-12)89%87%89%91%92%

About the Indicator: Enrollment numbers (n), based on October 1st data submission, are calculated by adding together grades of K-6 (Primary) and 7-12 (Secondary) based on county location.  The formula for attendance rate (%) is the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) divided by the Average Daily Membership (ADM). The ADA and ADM for each grade, school, or district are added together and the resulting figures are used for each grade, school, or district summary.  (Grade level ADA/Grade Level ADM) *100 = Attendance Rate for that grade.  The attendance rate for each county at the specific grade levels are then calculated by averaging the rates of attendance for that grade in each individual county.

Data Source: Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System

Alcohol Use

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Alcohol in the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades1151142291982084061771713481421372791511362879799196
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades18%16%17%31%29%30%31%26%28%29%24%26%23%20%21%15%17%16%

About the Indicator: Alcohol is the most frequently used drug nationally and statewide and is associated with a number of adverse health consequences1.  Reported use of alcohol in the past 30 days is a common measure of recent alcohol use. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past-30 day alcohol use among 12th graders was slightly lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.99:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey (MSS); national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Dawson DA, Grant BF, Li T-K.  “Quantifying the risks associated with exceeding recommended drinking limits.” Alcohol Clinical Experimental Research. 2005;29:902-908.


Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Alcohol in the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022
By Percent: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022

About the Indicator:

Alcohol is the most frequently used substance nationally and statewide, and is associated with a number of adverse health and social consequences. Reported use of alcohol in the past 30 days is a common measure of recent alcohol use. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, any past 30 day alcohol use was reported by 24.4% of 9th graders nationally.

According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day alcohol use, those who DIDN'T report alcohol use were 2.6 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 1.8 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.6 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 2.5 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.4 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 2 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 1.9 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 2.3 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.

On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day alcohol use, those who DIDN'T report use were 1.7 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.4 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.6 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.2 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.

Further, those students who reported using alcohol monthly or more often were 1.8 times more likely to think that most students in their school also drank monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't drink. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.7 times more likely themselves to report using alcohol that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Alcohol in the Past 30 Days, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades1099120062411038480164503686
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades15.5%12.8%14.2%10.6%7.3%9.0%12.2%12.4%12.3%10.9%8.2%9.5%

About the Indicator:

Alcohol is the most frequently used substance nationally and statewide, and is associated with a number of adverse health and social consequences. Reported use of alcohol in the past 30 days is a common measure of recent alcohol use. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, any past 30 day alcohol use was reported by 24.4% of 9th graders and 39.2% of 11th graders nationally.

According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day alcohol use, those who DIDN'T report alcohol use were 2.6 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 1.8 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.6 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 2.5 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.4 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 2 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 1.9 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 2.3 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.

On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day alcohol use, those who DIDN'T report use were 1.7 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.4 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.6 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.2 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.

Further, those students who reported using alcohol monthly or more often were 1.8 times more likely to think that most students in their school also drank monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't drink. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.7 times more likely themselves to report using alcohol that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Having 5 or More Drinks in a Row on at Least One Occasion within the Past 2 Weeks, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades105100205125932181178420194781729068158554196
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades29%23%26%30%19%24%30%19%24%24%18%21%22%16%19%14%11%13%

About the Indicator: Acute, short-term “binge drinking” is defined as having five or more drinks of alcohol on a single occasion1.  Up until 2010, the MSS asked students about past two week binge drinking; in 2013 they were asked about past 30 day binge drinking. Binge drinking has been associated with alcohol related injuries and deaths, as well as violence and crime. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 2 week binge drinking among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.05:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

1 United States Department of Agriculture and United States Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Chapter 9 – Alcoholic Beverages.  Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 2005. p. 43-46.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Having 5 or More Drinks in a Row on at Least One Occasion in the Past 30 Days, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
All Grades514091171229392665
By Percent: 201320162019
All Grades7.3%5.7%6.5%2.9%2.1%2.5%5.7%4.0%4.9%

About the Indicator:

Up through the 2016 MSS, acute, short-term “binge drinking” was defined as having five or more drinks of alcohol on a single occasion. In 2019, the binge drinking definition changed to 5 or more drinks for male students and 4 or more drinks for female students. Therefore, trend data for female students CANNOT BE COMPARED between 2013/2016 and 2019.

Up until 2010, the MSS asked students about past two-week binge drinking; in 2013 they were asked about past 30-day binge drinking.

Binge drinking has been associated with alcohol related injuries and deaths, as well as violence and crime. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol. 

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 13.5% of 9th graders and 24.6% of 11th graders reported binge drinking in the past month nationally.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Having 5 or More Drinks in a Row on at Least One Occasion in the Past 30 Days, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
By Percent: 201320162019

About the Indicator:

Up through the 2016 MSS, acute, short-term “binge drinking” was defined as having five or more drinks of alcohol on a single occasion. In 2019, the binge drinking definition changed to 5 or more drinks for male students and 4 or more drinks for female students. Therefore, trend data for female students CANNOT BE COMPARED between 2013/2016 and 2019.

Up until 2010, the MSS asked students about past two-week binge drinking; in 2013 they were asked about past 30-day binge drinking.

Binge drinking has been associated with alcohol related injuries and deaths, as well as violence and crime. In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol. 

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 13.5% of 9th graders and 24.6% of 11th graders reported binge drinking in the past month nationally.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Driving a Motor Vehicle One or More Times After Using Alcohol or Drugs, within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades5459113645912368571256048108442468362056
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades25%23%24%17%14%15%19%15%17%17%12%14%12%7%9%10%6%8%

About the Indicator: As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time thereby increasing the risk of crash involvement.  In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Drank Alcohol or Used Drugs Before They Last Had Sexual Intercourse, 2013: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013
All Grades91726
By Percent: 2013
All Grades8.7%17.0%12.8%

About the Indicator:

Only includes students who reported ever having had sexual intercourse

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Ever Riding with Friends After Using Alcohol or Drugs, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades126148274143160303131147278109116225114922069267159
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades33%33%33%33%33%33%33%33%33%27%25%26%27%21%24%22%18%20%

About the Indicator: As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time thereby increasing the risk of crash involvement.  In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting That They First Had More than a Few Sips of Alcohol at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades162102264137112249
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades24%15%20%22%19%20%

About the Indicator: N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting That They First Had More than a Few Sips of Alcohol at Age 13 or Younger, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades7385158394584
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades16.8%19.4%18.1%11.5%13.9%12.7%

About the Indicator:

The average age at which young people ages 12 to 17 begin to drink is 13 years old. 

According to the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 20.3% of 9th graders and 15.2% of 11th graders nationally reported they first drank alcohol before age 13 years.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting That They First Had More than a Few Sips of Alcohol at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 2007201020132016
By Number: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator:

The average age at which young people ages 12 to 17 begin to drink is 13 years old.

According to the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 20.3% of 9th graders and 15.2% of 11th graders nationally reported they first drank alcohol before age 13 years.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Average Age at Which Students Reported First Drinking More than a Few Sips of Alcohol, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

All Grades131413131313

About the Indicator: These data are valuable for planning and reporting purposes.  Some grantees are required to report age of first use as one their GPRA measures.  In addition, prevention planners may use data about age of first use as one factor in determining when to initiate prevention programs, policies, and practices.  In Minnesota, it is illegal for a person under age 21 to consume alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Alcohol Consequences

Rice County Cost Per Capita of Alcohol Related Traffic Crashes, Fatalities and Injuries, 1995 - 2019


About the Indicator:

These estimates provided by the National Safety Council do not attempt to include "comprehensive costs” but just direct costs of traffic crashes, deaths and injuries due to medical expense, property damage and lost productivity.

Other procedures that attempt to include comprehensive costs (e.g. those used by US Dept of Transportation) result in total cost estimates about 3 times greater than those calculated here.

Data Source: Impaired Driving Facts

Rice County Driving While Intoxicated by County of Arrest, 1995 - 2019

By Number:
By Rate Per 10,000 Pop:

About the Indicator:

As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time and can have fatal consequences.  Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level 0.08 or higher, 0.04 in a commercial vehicle, or any amount at all if the driver is under age 21 is a legal violation and can be assessed from different sources.

Data are reported on DUI arrests and incidents on record1.

State and national comparisons can be found here by downloading the  State Epi Profile.

1 An incident on record refers to either 1) a civil implied consent revocation for failing or refusing an alcohol concentration test, or 2) a criminal conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which is recorded on the person’s Minnesota driving record.

Data Source: Office of Traffic Safety, MN Department of Public Safety

Rice County Driving While Intoxicated by County of Residence, 1995 - 2019

By Number:
By Rate Per 10,000 Pop:

Rice County Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes (Defined as Alcohol-related if BAC is at a .01 level or higher), 1995 - 2019

By Percent:
By Number:

About the Indicator: As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time and can have fatal consequences.  Impaired behavior around motor vehicles puts drivers, pedestrians, passengers and others at risk.  Reported are the number of traffic crashes involving alcohol and the percentage of all reported motor vehicle crashes in the county involving alcohol.

In 2013, the percent of all motor vehicle crashes that were alcohol-related was 4.7% in Minnesota, as compared to 4.1% in Wisconsin, 5.9% in South Dakota, and 2.0% in Michigan.  State rates are found using the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation (DOT), South Dakota Dept. of Public Safety, and Michigan Traffic Crash Facts (MTCF);  For national comparisons, click here: State Epi Profile.

: Data are not available for 2003.

Data Source: Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts

Rice County Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Fatalities (Defined as Alcohol-related if BAC is at a .01 level or higher), 1995 - 2019

By Number:
By Rate Per 10,000 Pop:

About the Indicator: As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time and can have fatal consequences. Impaired behavior around motor vehicles puts drivers, pedestrians, passengers and others at risk. Reported are the number and rate of deaths in which at least one driver, pedestrian, or cyclist has been drinking.

In 2009, reported alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities is lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.75:1.00). State rates are found using the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety (OTS); national rates are from Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts

Rice County Cirrhosis Deaths, 1997 - 2017

By Number:
By Rate per 10,000 Pop:

About the Indicator: Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for many causes of death in Minnesota.  It is estimated that 40% of liver cirrhosis deaths, among both males and females in the United States, are alcohol-related.

In 2007, reported cirrhosis deaths were lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.76:1.00). State and national rates are from CDC Wonder Compressed Mortality File. The state rates from 2012 and 2013 are calculated using population data from the Minnesota State Demographic Center and the Metropolitan Council. For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Alcohol-attributable fractions: Alcohol-Attributable Disease Impact (ARDI), Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Rice County Homicides, 1997 - 2017

By Number:
By Rate Per 10,000 Pop:

About the Indicator: Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for many causes of death in Minnesota.  It is estimated that 47% of all homicides, among both males and females in the United States, are alcohol-related.

In 2007, reported deaths by homicide were lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.42:1.00). State and national rates are from CDC Wonder Compressed Mortality File. The state rates from 2012 and 2013 are calculated using population data from the Minnesota State Demographic Center and the Metropolitan Council. For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Alcohol-attributable fractions: Alcohol-Attributable Disease Impact (ARDI), Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Rice County School Disciplinary Incidents Involving Alcohol , 2010/2011 - 2013/2014

By Number:
By Percent:

About the Indicator: School disciplinary incidents involving alcohol were obtained by school district, then aggregated to the county level.  Percentages are found by totaling each county's alcohol-related incidents and dividing them by the total amount of disciplinary incidents for that county. Each incident is counted only once; if multiple reasons per incident were reported, only the most serious reason is counted.

The Minnesota Department of Education advises that each school district follow their own definitions in their discipline policies. Minnesota law addresses the possession, use, or sale of alcohol. School policies may include being intoxicated or possessing alcohol at school, school-sponsored events and on school-sponsored transportation. Determination of use would need to be made based upon school policy consistent with state and federal law. Information on relevant state statues include: alcohol definitions, alcohol possession consumption by persons under 21, and possession of alcohol on school grounds.

Data Source: Minnesota Department of Education Data Center

Alcohol Treatment

Rice County Admissions to Minnesota Treatment Facilities for Alcohol, 1995 - 2019

By Percent:
By Number:

About the Indicator: The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System admission form contains 21 substances that a person can be admitted for, as well as an ‘other’ category.  This indicator represents the primary substance of abuse that persons were admitted for.  An asterisk indicates that the value is between 1 and 5, and is thus suppressed.  Persons were excluded if age, race/ethnicity, gender or residence was unknown.

This indicator represents the percentage of each specific demographic group admitted to treatment facilities in Minnesota by primary substance of abuse, out of the overall total of admissions to treatment facilities in Minnesota for that specific demographic group.  For example, the number of males under age 18 for a specific race admitted to treatment who reported primary abuse of marijuana were then divided by the total number of males under age 18 for that specific race, who were admitted to treatment for that same year.

In 2011, a higher percentage of people were admitted to Minnesota treatment facilities for alcohol as their primary substance of abuse compared to the national average (50.8% vs. 39.3%). National data are from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).

Data Source: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System (DAANES)

Alcohol Intervening Variables

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe their Parents or Guardians Would Disapprove or Greatly Disapprove if they Drank Alcohol, 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2010
All Grades5695461,115
By Percent: 2010
All Grades92%92%92%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles><![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->Students were asked specifically how they thought their parents or guardians would feel if they drank alcohol.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Parents Would Think It's Very Wrong or Wrong for Them to Have One or Two Drinks of an Alcohol Beverage Nearly Every Day, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades8488341,6827647211,4856415731,214408387800
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades93.8%92.1%92.9%94.3%91.7%93.0%94.3%90.8%92.6%91.1%90.2%90.7%

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about parent disapproval changed considerably in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent their parents would approve or disapprove of them drinking alcohol. In 2013, students were asked how wrong their parents would feel it would be for them to have one or two drinks nearly every day. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Parents Would Think It's Very Wrong or Wrong for Them to Have One or Two Drinks of an Alcohol Beverage Nearly Every Day, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
By Percent: 2013201620192022

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about parent disapproval changed considerably in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent their parents would approve or disapprove of them drinking alcohol. In 2013, students were asked how wrong their parents would feel it would be for them to have one or two drinks nearly every day. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days Who Bought Alcohol Using a Fake ID, 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades100108412202134
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades11%0%6%13%6%9%2%0%1%2%5%3%

Rice County Students Reporting Being Home Alone or in Another Place Unsupervised After School., 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2010
All Grades322273595
By Percent: 2010
All Grades76%73%75%

Rice County Students Reporting They Believe Use of Alcohol or Drugs is a Problem at Their School (agree or strongly agree), 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades287343630287346633285324609251233484
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades71%76%74%70%74%72%66%75%71%59%61%60%

Rice County Students Reporting that Alcohol Use by Any Family Member Has Repeatedly Caused Family, Health, Job, or Legal Problems, 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades272451578013752711234764111
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades19%14%16%14%17%16%12%16%14%11%17%14%

Rice County Students Reporting They Strongly Agree or Agree That Parents and Other Adults Should Clearly Communicate with Their Children about the Importance of Not Using Alcohol, 2013: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013
All Grades5695701,139
By Percent: 2013
All Grades85.1%84.4%84.7%

About the Indicator: This question was new to the 2013 Minnesota Student Survey. Other response options included: "neither agree nor disagree", "disagree", and "strongly disagree."

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Strongly Agree or Agree That Drinking Alcohol is Never a Good Thing for Anyone Their Age to Do, 2013: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013
All Grades5255171,042
By Percent: 2013
All Grades78.6%76.8%77.7%

About the Indicator: This question was new to the 2013 Minnesota Student Survey. Other response options included: "neither agree nor disagree", "disagree", and "strongly disagree."

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Think Most Students in Their School Drink Alcohol Monthly or More Often, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
All Grades349259608237149386338200538
By Percent: 201320162019
All Grades52.6%38.1%45.3%41.7%27.6%34.8%50.2%32.1%41.5%

About the Indicator:

When asked how often they think MOST STUDENTS at their school drink alcohol, 53% of Minnesota’s 8th, 9th, and 11th graders responded with monthly or more often. In reality, past month alcohol use was reported by 17% of students. Students who believe that most students do drink alcohol monthly or more often are over 6.5 times more likely to report they drink alcohol monthly or more often themselves, as compared to students who perceive that most students don’t drink monthly or more often.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Think Most Students in Their School Drink Alcohol Monthly or More Often, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
By Percent: 201320162019

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Bought the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades27194625631191130179269615
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades16%10%13%16%4%10%15%9%12%12%7%10%10%7%9%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they purchased alcohol from one or more of the following sources: gas stations, convenience stores, bars or restaurants, liquor stores, or on the internet.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol in the Past 30 Days, Who Bought the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132019
All Grades781541014
By Percent: 20132019
All Grades6.4%8.8%7.5%4.8%12.5%8.5%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they purchased alcohol from one or more of the following sources: gas stations, convenience stores, bars or restaurants, liquor stores, or on the internet.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Access questions were not asked in 2016.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Bought the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 1998200120042007201020132019
By Percent: 1998200120042007201020132019

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they purchased alcohol from one or more of the following sources: gas stations, convenience stores, bars or restaurants, liquor stores, or on the internet.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Access questions were not asked in 2016.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Got the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades1601813411371452821151172321241122367578153
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades94%94%94%88%92%90%88%94%91%90%88%89%87%87%87%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->This indicator reflects students responding that they got alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their friends, their parents, other family members, getting someone else to buy it for them, or at parties.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Got the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132019
All Grades79531326854122
By Percent: 20132019
All Grades72.5%58.2%66.0%81.0%67.5%74.4%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they got alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their friends, their parents, other family members, getting someone else to buy it for them, or at parties.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Access questions were not asked in 2016.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Got the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 1998200120042007201020132019
By Percent: 1998200120042007201020132019

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they got alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their friends, their parents, other family members, getting someone else to buy it for them, or at parties.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Access questions were not asked in 2016.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Took the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades5763120323870442872373269232750
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades34%33%33%21%24%22%34%23%28%27%25%26%27%30%28%

About the Indicator: This indicator reflects students responding that they took alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their home, a friend’s home, or from stores.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Took the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132019
All Grades322456282048
By Percent: 20132019
All Grades29.4%26.4%28.0%33.3%25.0%29.3%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they took alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their home, a friend’s home, or from stores.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Access questions were not asked in 2016.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Took the Alcohol from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010201320162019
By Percent: 19982001200420072010201320162019

About the Indicator:

This question was not asked on the 2016 survey.

This indicator reflects students responding that they took alcohol from one or more of the following sources: their home, a friend’s home, or from stores.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining alcohol that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Frequently Binge Drinking, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades5005851,085491500991
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades76%88%82%79%86%82%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they have 5 or more drinks of alcohol once or twice per week.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. <o:p></o:p>

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Frequently Binge Drinking, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades702.0663.01,365.0668.0568.01,236.0540.0429.0969.0321.0302.0628.0
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades78.3%73.5%75.9%82.4%72.2%77.3%79.2%67.8%73.7%71.7%69.9%71.0%

About the Indicator:

Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they have 5 or more drinks of alcohol once or twice per week.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Frequently Binge Drinking, 2007 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 200720102013201620192022
By Percent: 200720102013201620192022

About the Indicator:

Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they have 5 or more drinks of alcohol once or twice per week.  "N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe their Close Friends Would Disapprove or Greatly Disapprove if they Frequently Binge Drink, 2007: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2007
All Grades486.0576.01,062.0
By Percent: 2007
All Grades73.6%86.1%79.9%

About the Indicator: Students were asked specifically how they thought their close friends would feel if they had 5 or more drinks of alcohol once or twice per week.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Think Their Friends Would Feel it Would be Wrong or Very Wrong if They Had One or Two Drinks of Alcohol Every Day, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades769.0736.01,505.0726.0680.01,406.0560.0483.01,043.0370.0357.0731.0
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades85.2%81.7%83.4%89.5%86.8%88.2%82.7%76.9%79.9%83.0%84.2%83.5%

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about peer disapproval changed in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent to which their close friends would approve or disapprove of them if they had five or more drinks of alcohol, once or twice a week. In 2013, this question was dropped and students were instead asked how wrong their friends would feel it would be for them to drink one or two drinks of alcohol nearly every day. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They Think Their Friends Would Feel it Would be Wrong or Very Wrong if They Had One or Two Drinks of Alcohol Every Day, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
By Percent: 2013201620192022

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about peer disapproval changed in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent to which their close friends would approve or disapprove of them if they had five or more drinks of alcohol, once or twice a week. In 2013, this question was dropped and students were instead asked how wrong their friends would feel it would be for them to drink one or two drinks of alcohol nearly every day. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Tobacco and Nicotine Use

Rice County Students Reporting Smoking a Cigarette on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades1001002001231622851031242277810218073531266860128
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades16%14%15%18%22%20%17%18%17%15%17%16%11%8%9%11%10%10%

About the Indicator: Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth.  Youth tobacco use is presented here using 30-day use of cigarettes.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 30 day tobacco use (smoking cigarettes) among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.13:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Smoking a Cigarette on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades61369714142821194014822
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades8.7%5.1%6.9%2.4%2.5%2.4%3.1%3.0%3.0%3.1%1.8%2.4%

About the Indicator:

Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth.  Youth tobacco use is presented here using 30-day use of cigarettes.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, any past 30 day cigarette smoking was reported by 10.2% of 9th graders and 21.1% of 11th graders nationally.

According to 2013 MSS data, those students who reported using tobacco monthly or more often were 2 times more likely to think that most students in their school also used tobacco monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't use. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who

think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.4 times more likely themselves to report using tobacco that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Smoking a Cigarette on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022
By Percent: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022

About the Indicator:

Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth. Youth tobacco use is presented here using 30-day use of cigarettes. In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, any past 30-day cigarette smoking was reported by 10.2% of 9th graders and 21.1% of 11th graders nationally.

According to 2013 MSS data, those students who reported using tobacco monthly or more often were 2 times more likely to think that most students in their school also used tobacco monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't use. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.4 times more likely themselves to report using tobacco that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Smoking Cigarettes on 20 or More Days within the past 30 Days, 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades5255107333972271946241741
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades9%8%8%6%6%6%4%3%3%4%3%3%

About the Indicator: Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth.  Daily use is measured here as reported smoking on 20 days or more within the past 30 days.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Chewing Tobacco or Snuff within the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades838914054519120192214014136844
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades13%1%7%6%1%3%3%0%2%4%0%2%6%0%3%6%1%3%

About the Indicator: Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth.  Youth tobacco use is presented here using 30-day use of chewing tobacco, snuff or dip.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They First Smoked All or Part of a Cigarette at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades84631478167148
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades12%9%11%12%11%12%

About the Indicator: N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Average Age at Which Students First Reported Smoking All or Part of a Cigarette, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

All Grades131313131313

About the Indicator: These data are valuable for planning and reporting purposes.  Some grantees are required to report age of first use as one their GPRA measures.  In addition, prevention planners may use data about age of first use as one factor in determining when to initiate prevention programs, policies, and practices.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting They First Smoked a Cigar or Used Chewing Tobacco at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades471966361854
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades7%3%5%6%3%4%

About the Indicator: N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Average Age at Which Students Reported First Smoking a Cigar or Using Chewing Tobacco, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

All Grades141414141414

About the Indicator: These data are valuable for planning and reporting purposes.  Some grantees are required to report age of first use as one their GPRA measures.  In addition, prevention planners may use data about age of first use as one factor in determining when to initiate prevention programs, policies, and practices.  In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Using an E-Cigarette on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 2016 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201620192022
All Grades38296710595200522880
By Percent: 201620192022
All Grades6.5%5.2%5.8%15.4%14.7%15.0%11.5%6.3%8.9%

Rice County Students Reporting Any Tobacco or Nicotine Use on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 2016 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20162019
All Grades463985109102211
By Percent: 20162019
All Grades7.8%6.9%7.4%16.1%15.9%16.0%

About the Indicator: Reported tobacco use within the past 30 days (“30-day use”) is a frequent measure of current use, especially among youth. Youth tobacco use is presented here using 30-day use of any of the following substances: cigarettes; cigars, cigarillos or little cigars; chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip; e-cigarettes; or hookah. In Minnesota, no person under 18 may possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products or tobacco-related devices (Minn. Stat. § 609.685).

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Using a Menthol Tobacco Product on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades343064
By Percent: 2019
All Grades5.0%4.7%4.8%

Rice County Students Reporting Using a Flavored (Non-Menthol) Tobacco Product on One or More Days within the Past 30 Days, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades51.045.096.0
By Percent: 2019
All Grades7.4%7.0%7.2%

Rice County Births to Mothers Reporting Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy, 2001 - 2009

By Number:
By Percent:

About the Indicator: Smoking can increase a woman's risk of having a low-birthweight baby.  Low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of serious health problems during the newborn period, and chronic lifelong disabilities.  Smoking during pregnancy is also associated with a number of pregnancy complications.

According to Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs (SAMMEC), Minnesota's maternal smoking prevalence was 9.8% in 2004, as compared to the nation's 10.2%.   

For more national comparisons, click here: State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Tobacco and Nicotine Consequences

Rice County Deaths from Lung, Bronchus and Trachea Cancer -- all causes, 1997 - 2017

By Number:
By Rate Per 10,000 Pop:

About the Indicator: Smoking is a risk factor for many causes of death in Minnesota.  The statistics reported on this website include lung, bronchus and trachea cancer deaths from all causes—not just smoking-related deaths.  It is estimated that 90% of lung cancer deaths among males and 79% of lung cancer deaths among females in the United States are smoking-related.  Percent of smoking-attributable deaths may vary from one location to another.

In 2013, the rate of reported deaths from lung, bronchus, and trachea cancer was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.89:1.00).  State and national rates are from the CDC Wonder Compressed Mortality File.  State rates from 2012 and 2013 are calculated with population data from the Minnesota State Demographic Center and the Metropolitan Council.  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Rice County Deaths from Lung and Bronchus Cancer by Gender -- all causes, 1995 - 2017

By Number: 19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008201120162017
By Rate per 1,000 Pop: 19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008201120162017

About the Indicator: Smoking is a risk factor for many causes of death in Minnesota.  The statistics reported here include lung and bronchus cancer deaths from all causes—not just smoking-related deaths.  Cancer deaths by gender were obtained by request from the Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System (MCSS).  It is estimated that 90% of lung cancer deaths among males and 79% of lung cancer deaths among females in the United States are smoking-related.  Percent of smoking-attributable deaths may vary from one location to another.

Data Source: Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Rice County School Disciplinary Incidents Involving Tobacco, 2010/2011 - 2013/2014

By Number:
By Percent:

About the Indicator: School disciplinary incidents involving tobacco were obtained by school district, then aggregated to the county level.  Percentages are found by totaling each county's tobacco-related incidents and dividing them by the total amount of disciplinary incidents for that county. Each incident is counted only once; if multiple reasons per incident were reported, only the most serious reason is counted.

The Minnesota Department of Education recommends each school district follow its own definitions in the discipline policy to address the possession, use, distribution or sale of tobacco products on school grounds, school-sponsored events and on transportation to and from school or other school transportation. More detail over what may be considered a tobacco product can be found at Minnesota Statutes Section 297F.01, Subd. 19

Data Source: Minnesota Department of Education Data Center

Tobacco and Nicotine Intervening Variables

Rice County Students Reporting the Extent Their Parents or Guardians Would Disapprove or Greatly Disapprove if They Smoked Cigarettes, 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2010
All Grades5955721,167
By Percent: 2010
All Grades96%96%96%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles><![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->Students were asked specifically how they thought their parents or guardians would feel if they smoked cigarettes.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Parents Would Think It's Very Wrong or Wrong for Them to Smoke Cigarettes, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades8638491,7127787461,5246525811,233425403833
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades94.8%93.7%94.3%96.0%94.8%95.4%95.7%92.1%94.0%94.9%93.9%94.4%

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about parent disapproval changed considerably in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent their parents would approve or disapprove of them smoking cigarettes. In 2013, students were asked how wrong their parents would feel it would be for them to smoke cigarettes. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Parents Would Think It's Very Wrong or Wrong for Them to Smoke Cigarettes, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162022
By Percent: 201320162022

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about parent disapproval changed considerably in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent their parents would approve or disapprove of them drinking alcohol. In 2013, students were asked how wrong their parents would feel it would be for them to have one or two drinks nearly every day. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Smoking Cigarettes, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades756.0742.01,498.0703.0644.01,347.0580.0507.01,087.0373.0343.0721.0
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades84.3%81.9%83.1%86.7%81.7%84.2%85.2%80.1%82.7%82.9%79.2%81.2%

About the Indicator:

Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they smoked cigarettes.  Low perceived risk of harm increases the likelihood of use.
"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Smoking Cigarettes, 2007 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 200720102013201620192022
By Percent: 200720102013201620192022

About the Indicator:

Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they smoked cigarettes.  Low perceived risk of harm increases the likelihood of use.
"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Smoking One or More Packs of Cigarettes Per Day, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 20072010
All Grades89.0%93.7%91.3%91.1%92.0%91.5%
By Number: 20072010
All Grades590.0623.01,213.0564.0537.01,101.0

About the Indicator:

Students were asked specifically how much they thought people risked harming themselves physically or in other ways if they smoked one or more packs of cigarettes per day.  Low perceived risk of harm increases the likelihood of use. N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting That They Think Most Students Use Tobacco Monthly or More Often, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
All Grades307.0235.0542.0182.0117.0299.0192.0129.0321.0
By Percent: 201320162019
All Grades46.2%34.7%40.4%32.0%21.7%27.0%28.5%20.7%24.8%

Rice County Students Reporting That They Think Most Students Use Tobacco Monthly or More Often, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 201320162019
By Percent: 201320162019

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe People Put Themselves at Great or Moderate Risk of Harm by Using E-Cigarettes, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20192022
All Grades448.0310.0758.0307.0296.0607.0
By Percent: 20192022
All Grades65.9%49.1%57.8%68.7%68.7%68.7%

Rice County Students Reporting That They Think Most Students Use a Vaping Device or E-cigarette Monthly or More Often, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades452.0322.0774.0
By Percent: 2019
All Grades67.4%51.7%59.8%

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe their Parents Would Think it's Very Wrong or Wrong if they Vaped or Used E-cigarettes, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20192022
All Grades627.0551.01,178.0417.0397.0819.0
By Percent: 20192022
All Grades92.3%87.3%89.9%93.3%92.8%93.1%

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe their Friends Would Think it's Very Wrong or Wrong if they Vaped or Used E-cigarettes, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20192022
All Grades436.0373.0809.0319.0346.0669.0
By Percent: 20192022
All Grades64.5%59.3%62.0%71.5%81.6%76.5%

Rice County Students Reporting Any Tobacco Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Bought the Tobacco from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades95871826956125465197542175391857
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades66%50%57%70%49%59%67%57%61%57%42%52%49%33%42%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> <![endif]-->

<!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->This indicator reflects students responding that they purchased tobacco from one or more of the following sources: gas stations, convenience stores, bars or restaurants, grocery, discount, or drug stores, at places like bowling alleys, video arcades, or pool halls, from vending machines, or on the internet.  These data include only students who reported any tobacco use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining tobacco that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. In 2019, the question changed to ask about access only of e-cigarettes.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any E-cigarette Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Bought the E-cigarette from Someone or Somewhere, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades17.019.036.0
By Percent: 2019
All Grades16.2%20.0%18.0%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they bought e-cigarettes from one or more of the following sources: gas stations or convenience stores, grocery/discount/drug stores, the internet, or from vape shops or stores that only sell e-cigarettes. These data include only students who reported any e-cigarette use in the past 30 days. Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining e-cigarettes that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. Earlier versions of the survey asked about access to any tobacco product; in 2019, the question changed to access only for e-cigarettes.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any E-cigarette Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Got the E-cigarette from Someone or Somewhere, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades94.082.0176.0
By Percent: 2019
All Grades89.5%86.3%88.0%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they got e-cigarettes from one or more of the following sources: friends, parents, other family members, someone I didn’t know, or got it by getting someone else to buy it for me. These data include only students who reported any e-cigarette use in the past 30 days. Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining e-cigarettes that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. Earlier versions of the survey asked about access to any tobacco product; in 2019, the question changed to access only for e-cigarettes.


Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Tobacco Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Got the Tobacco from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades104143247698415351641156637103554398
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades73%82%78%70%74%72%74%71%72%70%74%72%69%78%73%

About the Indicator: <!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> <![endif]-->

<!--[if gte mso 10]> <![endif]-->This indicator reflects students responding that they got tobacco from one or more of the following sources: their friends, their parents, other family members, getting someone else to buy it for them.  These data include only students who reported any tobacco use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining tobacco that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. In 2019, the question changed to ask about access only of e-cigarettes.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any E-cigarette Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Took the E-cigarette from Someone or Somewhere, 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2019
All Grades8.04.012.0
By Percent: 2019
All Grades7.6%4.2%6.0%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they took e-cigarettes from one or more of the following sources: from home, a friend’s home, or stores. These data include only students who reported any e-cigarette use in the past 30 days. Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining e-cigarettes that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. Earlier versions of the survey asked about access to any tobacco product; in 2019, the question changed to access only for e-cigarettes.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Tobacco Use in the Past 30 Days, Who Took the Tobacco from Someone or Somewhere, 1998 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19982001200420072010
All Grades46428822204215183320727191130
By Percent: 19982001200420072010
All Grades32%24%28%22%18%20%22%20%21%21%14%19%24%20%22%

About the Indicator:

This indicator reflects students responding that they took tobacco from one or more of the following sources: their home, a friend’s home, or from stores.  These data include only students who reported any alcohol use in the past 30 days.  Students were asked to select all methods of obtaining tobacco that applied.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2016, access questions were not asked. In 2019, the question was changed to ask about access only to e-cigarettes.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting that they Believe their Close Friends Would Disapprove or Greatly Disapprove if they Smoke One or More Packs of Cigarettes Per Day, 2007: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2007
All Grades553.0603.01,156.0
By Percent: 2007
All Grades83.3%90.0%86.7%

About the Indicator: Students were asked specifically how they thought their close friends would feel if they smoked one or more packs of cigarettes per day.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Friends Would Feel it is Wrong or Very Wrong for Them to Smoke Cigarettes, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades784.0779.01,563.0739.0705.01,444.0586.0521.01,107.0373.0372.0749.0
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades86.5%86.5%86.5%91.1%90.0%90.6%86.6%83.1%84.9%83.6%87.7%85.6%

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about peer disapproval changed in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent to which their close friends would approve or disapprove of them smoking one or more packs of cigarettes a day. In 2013, this question was dropped and students were instead asked how wrong their friends would feel it would be for them to smoke cigarettes. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Their Friends Would Feel it is Wrong or Very Wrong for Them to Smoke Cigarettes, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
By Percent: 2013201620192022

About the Indicator: The Minnesota Student Survey question about peer disapproval changed in 2013. In prior years, students were asked about the extent to which their close friends would approve or disapprove of them smoking one or more packs of cigarettes a day. In 2013, this question was dropped and students were instead asked how wrong their friends would feel it would be for them to smoke cigarettes. Therefore, 9th grade trend data are available only for 2013 and 2016.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Illicit Drug Use

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Marijuana in the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades60399984681529764161674811565401057330103
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades9%6%7%13%9%11%16%10%13%13%8%11%10%6%8%11%5%8%

About the Indicator: Past 30 days is a common measure of "current" use of marijuana. Students were asked about their use of marijuana, bud, weed, pot, hashish, hash, or hash oil.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 30 day marijuana use among 12th graders in Minnesota was lower than the national average (rate ratio = 0.93:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Marijuana in the Past 30 Days, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades5458112363268425193302656
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades7.8%8.3%8.0%6.2%5.7%5.9%6.2%7.9%7.0%6.6%5.9%6.2%

About the Indicator:

Current marijuana use is often assessed with measures of reported use in the past 30 days (30-day use). Students were asked about their use of marijuana, bud, weed, pot, hashish, hash, or hash oil.

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 17.7% of 9th graders and 25.5% of 11th graders nationally reported any past 30 day marijuana use.

According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 2.7 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 1.8 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.6 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 2.5 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.3 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 2.3 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 2.1 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 2.5 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.

On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 1.9 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.6 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.8 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.4 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.

Further, those students who reported using marijuana monthly or more often were 1.9 times more likely to think that most students in their school also used marijuana monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't use. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.6 times more likely themselves to report using marijuana that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Marijuana in the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022
By Percent: 1995199820012004200720102013201620192022

About the Indicator:

Current marijuana use is often assessed with measures of reported use in the past 30 days (30-day use). Students were asked about their use of marijuana, bud, weed, pot, hashish, hash, or hash oil.

According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 17.7% of 9th graders and 25.5% of 11th graders nationally reported any past 30 day marijuana use.

According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 2.7 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 1.8 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.6 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 2.5 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.3 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 2.3 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 2.1 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 2.5 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.

On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 1.9 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.6 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.8 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.4 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.

Further, those students who reported using marijuana monthly or more often were 1.9 times more likely to think that most students in their school also used marijuana monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't use. The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.6 times more likely themselves to report using marijuana that often.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Using Marijuana on 3 or More Occasions within the Past 30 Days, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades372764533992663096432467441660512172
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades6%4%5%8%5%7%11%4%8%9%4%6%6%2%4%8%3%6%

About the Indicator: Current marijuana use is often assessed with measures of reported use in the past 30 days (30-day use).  Students were asked about their use of marijuana, bud, weed, pot, hashish, hash, or hash oil.  Regular use is measured here as reported use on 3 occasions or more within the past 30 days.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Inhalants within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades414081453883192746201838161127182947
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades6%6%6%7%5%6%3%4%4%4%3%4%2%2%2%3%5%4%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of inhalants in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month use of inhalants among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.67:1.00).  The state's rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Inhalants within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***459
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.7%0.9%0.8%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of inhalants in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month use of inhalants among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.67:1.00).  The state's rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Inhalants within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19951998200120042007201020132016
By Percent: 19951998200120042007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of inhalants in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any other gases or sprays in order to get high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month use of inhalants among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.67:1.00).  The state's rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Methamphetamine Use within the Past 12 Months, 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades251540131730116176511
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades6%3%5%3%4%4%3%1%2%2%1%1%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of methamphetamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used meth, glass, crank, crystal meth or ice.  N/A  or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month methamphetamine use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.40:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Methamphetamine Use within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***022
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.0%0.4%0.2%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of methamphetamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used meth, glass, crank, crystal meth or ice. N/A  or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month methamphetamine use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.40:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Methamphetamine Use within the Past 12 Months, 2001 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 200120042007201020132016
By Percent: 200120042007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of methamphetamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used meth, glass, crank, crystal meth or ice. N/A  or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month methamphetamine use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.40:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of MDMA/Ecstasy within the Past 12 Months, 2001 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2001200420072010
All Grades201434107171662214822
By Percent: 2001200420072010
All Grades5%3%4%3%2%2%4%1%3%4%2%3%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of MDMA, GHB or Ketamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used MDMA, E, X, Ecstasy, GHB, G, Liquid E, Liquid X, Ketamine or Special K.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2007, reported past 12 month MDMA/Ecstasy use among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.89:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey;national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of MDMA/Ecstasy within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***101
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.2%0.0%0.1%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of MDMA, GHB or Ketamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used MDMA (E, X, Ecstasy), GHB (G, Liquid E, Liquid X, roofies), or Ketamine (Special K).  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2007, reported past 12 month MDMA/Ecstasy use among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.89:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of MDMA/Ecstasy within the Past 12 Months, 2001 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 200120042007201020132016
By Percent: 200120042007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of MDMA, GHB or Ketamine in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used MDMA (E, X, Ecstasy), GHB (G, Liquid E, Liquid X, roofies), or Ketamine (Special K).  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2007, reported past 12 month MDMA/Ecstasy use among 12th graders was lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.89:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Crack/Cocaine within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades1411252426502311342020401592410818
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades4%3%3%6%5%6%6%3%4%5%5%5%4%2%3%3%2%2%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of crack or cocaine in the past 12 months.  Student were asked whether they used crack, cocaine in chunk or rock form, or cocaine in any other form.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month crack/cocaine use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 2.9%.  Nationally, 2.9% reported use of cocaine and 1.2% reported use of crack.  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Crack/Cocaine within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***112
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.2%0.2%0.2%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of crack or cocaine in the past 12 months.  Student were asked whether they used crack, coke, or cocaine in any form.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month crack/cocaine use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 2.9%.  Nationally, 2.9% reported use of cocaine and 1.2% reported use of crack.  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Crack/Cocaine within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19951998200120042007201020132016
By Percent: 19951998200120042007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of crack or cocaine in the past 12 months.  Student were asked whether they used crack, coke, or cocaine in any form.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month crack/cocaine use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 2.9%.  Nationally, 2.9% reported use of cocaine and 1.2% reported use of crack.  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of LSD, PCP or Other Psychedelics within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades1824422219413010401392216102611920
By Percent: 199519982001200420072010
All Grades5%5%5%5%4%5%8%2%5%3%2%3%4%2%3%3%2%3%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of psychedelics in the past 12 months. Students were asked whether they used LSD, acid, PCP, wet sticks, dipped joints, psychedelics, mescaline, mushrooms or peyote.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month psychedelic use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 4.3%.  Nationally, 2.6% reported use of LSD and 4.8% reported use of other hallucinogens.  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).   For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of LSD, PCP or Other Psychedelics within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***246
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.3%0.7%0.5%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of psychedelics in the past 12 months. Students were asked whether they used LSD (acid), PCP (wet sticks or dipped joints), or other psychedelics (mushrooms, angel dust).  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month psychedelic use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 4.3%.  Nationally, 2.6% reported use of LSD and 4.8% reported use of other hallucinogens.  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).   For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of LSD, PCP or Other Psychedelics within the Past 12 Months, 1995 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 19951998200120042007201020132016
By Percent: 19951998200120042007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of psychedelics in the past 12 months. Students were asked whether they used LSD (acid), PCP (wet sticks or dipped joints), or other psychedelics (mushrooms, angel dust).  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month psychedelic use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 4.3%.  Nationally, 2.6% reported use of LSD and 4.8% reported use of other hallucinogens.  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).   For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Heroin within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades5385510
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades1%1%1%1%1%1%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of heroin in the past 12 months.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month heroin use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.33:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Heroin within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***011
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.0%0.2%0.1%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of heroin in the past 12 months.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month heroin use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.33:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Heroin within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2007201020132016
By Percent: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of heroin in the past 12 months.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

In 2010, reported past 12 month heroin use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.33:1.00).  State rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).  For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting they First Smoked Marijuana at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades392463402868
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades6%4%5%7%5%6%

About the Indicator: N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting they First Smoked Marijuana at Age 13 or Younger, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades29.
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades6.6%5.7%6.2%2.3%5.0%3.6%

About the Indicator: According to the national 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 8.5% of 9th graders and 6.7% of 11th graders reported they first used marijuana before age 13 years.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting they First Smoked Marijuana at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2007201020132016
By Percent: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator: According to the national 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 8.5% of 9th graders and 6.7% of 11th graders reported they first used marijuana before age 13 years.

N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Average Age at Which Students Reported First Smoking Marijuana, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

All Grades141414141414

About the Indicator: These data are valuable for planning and reporting purposes.  Some grantees are required to report age of first use as one their GPRA measures.  In addition, prevention planners may use data about age of first use as one factor in determining when to initiate prevention programs, policies, and practices.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting they first Used Other Drugs at Age 13 or Younger, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades241741211940
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades4%3%3%3%3%3%

About the Indicator: N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Average Age at Which Students Reported First Trying Drugs, Other Than Marijuana, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

All Grades141314141313

About the Indicator: These data are valuable for planning and reporting purposes.  Some grantees are required to report age of first use as one their GPRA measures.  In addition, prevention planners may use data about age of first use as one factor in determining when to initiate prevention programs, policies, and practices.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Synthetic Drugs within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***336
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.5%0.5%0.5%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any use of synthetic drugs in the past 12 months. Students were asked whether they used synthetic drugs such as bath salts (White Wave, White Lightning), or synthetic marijuana (K2, Gold), that they took only to get high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. As a result of discrepancies in illicit drug use responses, 2013 drug use data are not reliable and are not included here.

Because the question about synthetic drugs was added to the survey in 2013, trend data are not available.

For national comparisons, click here: State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Prescription Drug Misuse

Rice County Students Reporting Any Past 30 Day Use of Prescription Drugs Not Prescribed for Them, 2013 - 2019: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2013201620192022
All Grades48.
By Percent: 2013201620192022
All Grades6.9%5.4%6.2%2.7%2.7%2.7%5.0%3.3%4.2%4.0%2.1%3.0%

About the Indicator:

In 2013, a new question was added to the Minnesota Student Survey asking about student's past month misuse of any prescription drugs (use of prescription drugs not prescribed for them). Prescription drugs can have dangerous health consequences if used incorrectly, or if used by by someone other than for whom they were intended.

According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day prescription drug misuse, those who DIDN'T report misuse were 3.8 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 2.2 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.9 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 3.6 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.5 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 3 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 2.6 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 3.4 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.

On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day prescription drug misuse, those who DIDN'T report misuse were 2 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.7 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.9 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.2 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.

"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*" indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or other reasons.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Use of Any Prescription Drugs Not Prescribed by Their Doctor or that They Took Only to Get High within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
By Percent: 20072010

About the Indicator:

Prescription drugs can have dangerous health consequences if used incorrectly, or if used by by someone other than for whom they were intended. N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Prescription Pain Relievers Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades31.
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades7.7%3.6%5.6%5.8%3.6%4.7%

About the Indicator:

Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any abuse of prescription drugs in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan, Vicodin or other pain relievers not prescribed for them by a doctor.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month prescription pain reliever use among 12th graders was similar in Minnesota to the national average (rate ratio = 1.02:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF). 

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Prescription Pain Relievers Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***2.4%0.9%1.7%

About the Indicator: Drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any abuse of prescription drugs in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used Oxycodone, OxyContin (oxy), Percocet, Percodan, Vicodin or other pain relievers not prescribed for them by a doctor.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month prescription pain reliever use among 12th graders was similar in Minnesota to the national average (rate ratio = 1.02:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF). 

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Prescription Pain Relievers Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 2007201020132016
By Number: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator: Drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of students reporting any abuse of prescription drugs in the past 12 months.  Students were asked whether they used Oxycodone, OxyContin (oxy), Percocet, Percodan, Vicodin or other pain relievers not prescribed for them by a doctor.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month prescription pain reliever use among 12th graders was similar in Minnesota to the national average (rate ratio = 1.02:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF). 

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of ADD or ADHD Drugs Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 20072010
All Grades3.3%2.1%2.7%4.8%3.6%4.2%
By Number: 20072010
All Grades13.

About the Indicator:

Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of their own or someone else’s prescription ADHD or ADD drugs like Ritalin (hyper pills) in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month ADHD or ADD drug use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.17:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of ADD or ADHD Drugs Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***1.0%1.6%1.3%

About the Indicator:

Drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of their own or someone else’s prescription ADHD or ADD drugs like Ritalin (hyper pills) in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month ADHD or ADD drug use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.17:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of ADD or ADHD Drugs Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 2007201020132016
By Number: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator:

Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of their own or someone else’s prescription ADHD or ADD drugs like Ritalin (hyper pills) in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

In 2010, reported past 12 month ADHD or ADD drug use among 12th graders was higher in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 1.17:1.00).  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Stimulants or Diet Pills Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades15.
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades3.7%2.6%3.2%2.8%4.1%3.4%

About the Indicator:

Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription stimulants like Benzedrine or diet pills in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Stimulants or Diet Pills Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.2%0.4%0.3%

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription stimulants like Benzedrine (bennies, speed, uppers, pep pills) or diet pills in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Stimulants or Diet Pills Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Percent: 2007201020132016
By Number: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator: Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription stimulants like Benzedrine (bennies, speed, uppers, pep pills) or diet pills in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Tranquilizers or Sedatives Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2010: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20072010
All Grades12.
By Percent: 20072010
All Grades3.0%1.0%1.9%1.8%2.2%2.0%

About the Indicator:

Other drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription tranquilizers (Valium, Xanax, nerve pills), sedatives, or barbiturates in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected.  

In 2010, reported past 12 month tranquilizer/sedative use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 3.2%.  Nationally, 5.6% reported use of tranquilizers and 4.8% reported use of sedatives.  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Tranquilizers or Sedatives Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2013 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 20132016
All Grades***
By Percent: 20132016
All Grades***0.3%0.4%0.4%

About the Indicator: Drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription tranquilizers (Valium, Xanax, nerve pills), sedatives, or barbiturates in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicate that the data are unavailable or were not collected.  

In 2010, reported past 12 month tranquilizer/sedative use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 3.2%.  Nationally, 5.6% reported use of tranquilizers and 4.8% reported use of sedatives.  States rates are from the Minnesota Student Survey; national rates are from Monitoring the Future (MTF).

Data Source: Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)

Rice County Students Reporting Any Use of Tranquilizers or Sedatives Not Prescribed for Them by Their Doctor within the Past 12 Months, 2007 - 2016: by Grade and Gender

By Number: 2007201020132016
By Percent: 2007201020132016

About the Indicator: Drug consumption by youth is measured here as the number of 9th and 12th grade students reporting any abuse of prescription tranquilizers (Valium, Xanax, nerve pills), sedatives, or barbiturates in the past 12 months for the purpose of getting high.  N/A or * indicate that the data are unavailable or were not collected.  

In 2010, reported past 12 month tranquilizer/sedative use among 12th graders in Minnesota was 3.2%.  Nationally, 5.6% reported use of tranquilizers and 4.8% reported use of sedatives.  States rates are from t