About the Indicator:
Current marijuana use is often assessed with measures of reported use in the past 30 days (30-day use). Students were asked about their use of marijuana, bud, weed, pot, hashish, hash, or hash oil.
According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 17.7% of 9th graders and 25.5% of 11th graders nationally reported any past 30 day marijuana use.
According to 2013 MSS data, compared to 8th, 9th, and 11th graders who reported past-30 day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 2.7 times less likely to report past-year suicidal ideation; 1.8 times less likely to report problems with feeling depressed in the past year; 1.6 times less likely to report feeling anxious in the past year; 2.5 times less likely to report self harm in the past year; 1.3 times less likely to report past-month bullying victimization; 2.3 times less likely to report not feeling safe in their neighborhoods; 2.1 times less likely to report not being able to talk to their parents about problems; and 2.5 times less likely to report their parents only care about them some, a little, or not at all.
On the other hand, compared to those students who DID report past 30-day marijuana use, those who DIDN'T report marijuana use were 1.9 times more likely to report better teacher-student relationships; 1.6 times more likely to report greater educational engagement; 1.8 times more likely to report that the adults in their communities care about them quite a bit or very much; and 1.4 times more likely to report weekly participation in community activities.
Further, those students who reported using marijuana monthly or more often
were 1.9 times more likely to think that most students in their school
also used marijuana monthly or more often, as compared to those who didn't use.
The association was even stronger in the other direction: students who
think most of their peers use monthly or more often were 6.6 times more
likely themselves to report using marijuana that often.
"N/A" indicates that the data are unavailable or were not collected. "*"
indicates the data are unreliable as a result of small sample sizes or
other reasons.
Data Source:
Minnesota Student Survey (MSS)