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Aitkin County (customize)

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Attendance of Aitkin County School Enrollment and Attendance, All Available Years: by Grade

Primary (K-6)*****
Secondary (7-12)*****

About the Indicator: Enrollment numbers (n), based on October 1st data submission, are calculated by adding together grades of K-6 (Primary) and 7-12 (Secondary) based on county location.  The formula for attendance rate (%) is the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) divided by the Average Daily Membership (ADM). The ADA and ADM for each grade, school, or district are added together and the resulting figures are used for each grade, school, or district summary.  (Grade level ADA/Grade Level ADM) *100 = Attendance Rate for that grade.  The attendance rate for each county at the specific grade levels are then calculated by averaging the rates of attendance for that grade in each individual county.

Data Source: Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System

Description: Included in these computations are students who were enrolled at any time during the school year in grades K-12. Attendance data is generated from the End of Year MARSS database. Rates for each grade, school, or district are based on the portion of time a student was enrolled in that grade, school or district.

Enrollment numbers (n), based on October 1st data submission, are calculated by adding together grades of K-6 (Primary) and 7-12 (Secondary) based on county location. 

The formula for attendance rate (%) is the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) divided by the Average Daily Membership (ADM). The ADA and ADM for each grade, school, or district are added together and the resulting figures are used for each grade, school, or district summary.  (Grade level ADA/Grade Level ADM) *100 = Attendance Rate for that grade.
  The attendance rate for each county at the specific grade levels are then calculated by averaging the rates of attendance for that grade in each individual county.

ADA is normally computed by taking the number of days a student was marked in attendance and dividing by the number of instructional days reported for that grade and school. ADM is normally computed by taking the number of days the student was reported as enrolled and dividing by the number of instructional days reported for that grade and school.

Slight variations in the ADA and ADM computations are made for students whose membership and attendance is reported in terms of hours.

Excluded from the counts are shared-time students, adult students, and students attending in other states or nonpublic schools for care and treatment purposes. (In the MARSS reporting system, these are students with State Aid Categories of 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 98). Additionally, students enrolled in the Post Secondary Enrollment Options program (attending college while enrolled in High School) are excluded from the computations.