Geographic Area:

Sherburne County (customize)

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Rate Per 10,000 Pop of Sherburne County Driving While Intoxicated by County of Arrest, All Available Years


About the Indicator:

As a depressant, alcohol use interferes with coordination, judgment and reaction time and can have fatal consequences.  Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level 0.08 or higher, 0.04 in a commercial vehicle, or any amount at all if the driver is under age 21 is a legal violation and can be assessed from different sources.

Data are reported on DUI arrests and incidents on record1.

State and national comparisons can be found here by downloading the  State Epi Profile.

1 An incident on record refers to either 1) a civil implied consent revocation for failing or refusing an alcohol concentration test, or 2) a criminal conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which is recorded on the person’s Minnesota driving record.

Data Source: Office of Traffic Safety, MN Department of Public Safety

Description: Statistics on driving while intoxicated by county of arrest and by county of residence were obtained by request.  These statistics are not available on the Office of Traffic Safety website.

Sponsored by: Office of Traffic Safety, MN Department of Public Safety

Geographic Level: State, County

Aggregated data at the state and county level do not reveal disparities that may exist within a given geographic area.

Frequency: Data collected and reported annually

Characteristics: Data are reported on DUI arrests and incidents on record.  An incident on record refers to either 1) a civil implied consent revocation for failing or refusing an alcohol concentration test, or 2) a criminal conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which is recorded on the person’s Minnesota driving record.