Referral to Treatment by Family, Self, or Friends

Geographic Area:

Washington County (customize)

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Percent of Washington County Referral to Treatment by Family, Self, or Friends, 2010 - 2019


Data Source: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System (DAANES)


DAANES includes data on all private- and public-pay treatment facility admissions and discharges. Data were obtained by request from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) of the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Sponsored by: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD), Minnesota Department of Human Services

Geographic Level: State, Region, County

Frequency: Data reported annually

Characteristics: Detoxification facilities report using a separate system, and therefore information about detox admissions in Minnesota is not available through the DAANES system. The DAANES intake form incorporates a portion of the Federal Client Data Set. The history form incorporates an expanded version of the alcohol and other drug (AOD) use items from the Client Data Set and an arrest summary. The discharge form includes discharge status, referrals, payment source and charges, inpatient days, and outpatient treatment hours. According to Minnesota Statutes, Section 254B.05, subdivision 1, chemical dependency providers must participate in DAANES to be eligible for payment under the Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund (CCDTF). Approximately 35 detoxification facilities also report voluntarily on a separate DAANES system