Smoking During Pregnancy

Geographic Area:

Washington County (customize)



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Percent of Washington County Births to Mothers Reporting Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy, All Available Years

Washington County (2001): 8% Washington County (2002): 7% Washington County (2003): 8% Washington County (2004): 7% Washington County (2005): 6% Washington County (2006): 5% Washington County (2007): 6% Washington County (2008): 6% Washington County (2009): 8%
Washington County8%7%8%7%6%5%6%6%8%

About the Indicator: Smoking can increase a woman's risk of having a low-birthweight baby.  Low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of serious health problems during the newborn period, and chronic lifelong disabilities.  Smoking during pregnancy is also associated with a number of pregnancy complications.

According to Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs (SAMMEC), Minnesota's maternal smoking prevalence was 9.8% in 2004, as compared to the nation's 10.2%.   

For more national comparisons, click here: State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Description: Minnesota Health Statistics Annual Summary includes the number of deaths in a county classified by ICD 10 codes.  Natality include the percent of births to women who reported smoking during pregnancy by county.

Sponsored by: Minnesota Department of Health

Geographic Level: State, County

Aggregated data at the state and county level do not reveal disparities that may exist within a given geographic area.

Frequency: Death and Birth data are collected and reported annually

Characteristics: Mortality and Natality data are collected consistently at the county level.